Office of Information TechnologyBoxThings That Work With BoxHow to Use the Request File Feature in Box

How to Use the Request File Feature in Box

If you're an Owner or Co-owner of a folder, File Request enables you to create an upload widget and either

  • get the widget's link to share with people, or
  • embed the widget in your website, blog, or social networking service.

Both features enable you to enhance the ease and efficiency of collaboration and you do not have to worry about giving people permissions to your Box folders.  Both features  (sharing the link and embedding the widget in website) allow collaborators to directly upload content to your project folder without needing to log into Box.

Watch a short video about this feature, click here.

Creating a file request link

You can create a Box upload widget, and then share its link.

To create and configure a File Request Link:

  1. In your Box account window, right-mouse click on the folder you want to share and select File Request.  Box displays the File Request window.
  2. Under Customize Options, check the options you want to enable.
  3. To see what the widget looks like, click Preview.
  4. After configuring the widget, under File Request Link click Copy.  You can now share this link with other people.


Customization options

  • Specify title enables you to add a displayed title to the widget.
  • Add instructions enables you to provide and display instructions on the widget for collaborators.
  • Allow users to add description displays a field on the widget where collaborators can add comments.
  • Require users to provide email displays a field on the widget where collaborators are required to provide their email addresses.


Embedding the upload embed widget

After customizing the widget, you can embed it in a site that supports embedded HTML iframe code.

To embed the upload widget in your site:

  1. In the File Request window, under Upload Embed Widget, click Copy.
  2. Paste this HTML code into your site's code.



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