How to Create a Non Travel Expense Report (Out of Pocket Cash Items, Cell Phone, Bar Dues and Purchase Card Holders )
Before you Begin
Upload required receipts and documentation to your Concur receipt store, or your desk top for easy access
Purchase Card Holders should ensure all transactions have downloaded for the statement period. A copy of the statement must be included with your receipts.
This short video will demonstrate the various ways you can upload, or send receipts images to the receipt store
Click here for more detailed information on receipt images
Receipts should be legible and attached to the expense line item. One receipt per line item is preferred. When scanning receipts from the LSC scanners, scan one receipt at a time. You can attach up to 10 PDF's to an email and email it to [email protected]. It can take up to 30 minutes for the receipts to arrive in your receipt store.
You may also take a photo of smaller receipts using your Smart Phone and upload it to the receipt store or directly to your report by using the Concur APP for iPhone or Android Please ensure the photo is legible and captures the entire receipt!
Completing the Report Header
- Expense Group ID: No action required. Expense pay is the term for direct deposit.
- Expense Report Selection: The default is Non Travel Expense Report - USE THIS ONE
- Report Name: Enter your last name, purpose of the report, month and year. Example ( Doe - John-Bar Dues - Aug 2020) or Doe - John-Cell Phone- Aug 2020) or Doe- John - Citi Charges Aug 2020)
- Expense Purpose: Enter what seems appropriate, Bar Dues, Cell Phone, or Citibank Purchases for purchase or integrated card holders
- Department: Default is your department NOTE: Cell Phone costs should be charged to INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
- Project Code: Select NONE from the drop down menu
- Email Address: Default is your email address
- Phone Number: Default is your phone number
- Posting Date: Leave blank - no need to complete
- Comment: Enter any comments that would be helpful while your report is being reviewed
- Claim Travel Allowance: Select "NO" I do not want to claim travel allowance
Adding Expenses To Your Report.
Click Add Expense
Search for expenses by typing the first 3 letters Example: Cel for Cell Phone
Complete the items with a red asterisk
Expense Type: Already selected but you can modify it by selecting it from the drop down
Transaction Date: Date the expense was incurred
Expense Purpose: Reason for the expense - Bar Dues,Cell phone etc.
Vendor Name: Name of the vendor if applicable (Not Required)
Payment Type: Cash is the only option
Amount: Enter the amount of the expense, or the allowable amount if the expense is more than you are allowed to seek reimbursement for
Department: The default is your department code
Project Code: Select NONE unless it is an expense related to one of the projects in the drop down menu
Comments: Optional field, but you can enter any additional comments for the reviewer
Attach Receipt Image: You can attach a receipt image now, or wait until after you have entered all of your expenses
Click Save Expense, or Save and add another to continue adding expenses
Attaching Receipts:
You can attach a receipt before you save your expense by clicking on the + Attach Receipt Image
Or you can attach a receipt after you have completed your entries by clicking on the + before the expense
To attach a receipt from your computer, select Upload Receipt Image and follow the prompts
To attach from your receipt store, select the receipt image you need,then click attach
Attach the receipt and checklist if applicable, to the corresponding expense item. Each expense item should have a receipt. Do not attach pages of multiple receipts to one expense item. For more information on receipts, please review the "Before you Begin" section at the beginning of this guide.
- If you have multiple receipts for one expense, open the expense item, click APPEND in the bottom right hand corner of the current attached receipt and select the receipt you need to add
- Attached the wrong receipt? Click detach and the receipt will be placed in your receipt store.
Missing Receipts and Missing Receipt Declaration
If you were unable to obtain a receipt of have misplaced it, you can create a missing receipt declaration.
NOTE: This should be a last resort. Most vendors will recreate a receipt for you especially for large ticket items.
With the report open, click on Manage Receipts and select missing receipt declaration from the drop down
Select the expense(s) that are missing a receipt and click on Accept & Create.
Alerts: ( Red Alerts must be cleared before you can submit your report) Yellow Alerts are informational, you can submit the report.
Submitting your report
When you have verified your entries, attached your receipts and checklists, you can submit your report. You can attach any additional documentation ( memos,waivers etc) as you would receipts. One expense item can have multiple receipts attached to it.
Click SUBMIT and accept the User Submit. Your report will be routed to OFAS for review before being sent to your approving official.
Recalling your report
You can easily recall your report for corrections or additions by clicking on the recall button and make any edits. If OFAS or your approving official have questions about your report, they will send it back to you. You will receive an email from Concur that the report has been sent back. You should promptly fix the errors or provide the required information within 3 business days.
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Attend an OFAS hands on session by signing up here
Status of your report
You can check the status of your report by logging onto Concur. Click on expense. Active reports will be visible. The status is listed on the report.
The workflow is as follows:
Employee to Accounting Manager
Accounting Manager to your Director for approval
Director to Processor
Processor to Payment Demand